May Newsletter

We are now well into warm weather season (Wednesday’s temperature was in the mid-80s!). Sooner than we think the school year will be over and we’ll be on into summer. Let us hope that in the next school year we will see a return to normalcy.

The Virtue of the Month for May is Wonder. A great deal in our culture and media has the potential to turn our children to cynicism, contempt, and despair. The “get real!” and “so what” tone of much of popular culture is a very real threat to the innocence and promise of our children. This tendency must be actively combatted with its opposite—wonder at the great gift of life. We need to cultivate and nurture in our children the virtue that gives spring to their step and joy to their hearts—the gift of wonder.

As you know, this week our students have been taking the Terra Nova exams. Due to the pandemic last year, we were unable to hold them last spring. For those students who having been taking them, we expect to get the results back at the start of June.

On Friday, May 14, 10:00 am-12:00 pm, New Hope School will have its annual Race for Education, which also we were unable to have last year due to the pandemic. Thank you for all the support you have been giving in finding sponsors for our spring fundraiser. That day students will run or walk around a quarter-mile track for one hour. Students in each class with the most laps will receive a medallion. The student with the most laps in the whole school will receive a trophy. Clifton mayor James Anzaldi will be on hand to kick off the race for us. Parents are welcome!

Later in the month will be having our two-day Science Fair, which will be held outside. Starting at 9:30 am, kindergarten through third grade will present their projects on Thursday, May 27, and the fourth through eighth grade the following day. On the second day you are invited to a Family Barbeque from 4:00-6:00 pm.

Finally, I wish to remind you that registration is open for the 2021-22 school year. If you are happy with your child’s progress during the past school year, I encourage you to reserve your child’s place for next year if you have not yet done so. You are also welcome to register your child for our summer program, which will run from June 28-August 13.

Stay safe and healthy!

“Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man’s desire to understand.”

Neil Armstrong


June Newsletter


April Newsletter