April Newsletter

Winter has ended and the air is warming. Springtime signifies rebirth as trees begin to bud and flowers bloom. We are grateful to God for the life-sustaining environment he/she continuously provides for us. Spring break is arriving just in time to take advantage of the warm weather. We hope that you and your children will be able to spend some time together.

This year Easter falls on the first Sunday of April. Let us remember the example of sacrificial love demonstrated by Jesus, not only on the cross, but throughout his life. His resurrection signifies the glorious affirmation of a life lived for the sake of others, teaching us that true love transcends even death. In these times of materialism, crass commercialism and threats of violence, Jesus’ life remains a supreme example for our children to understand and emulate. More than ever, our children need to see examples of unselfishness and moral decency.

The above coincides with April’s virtues of the month of Gentleness and Humility. In today’s world, it is not so easy to find stories that speak to the importance of saying “forgive me,” “after you,” “I was wrong,” or “I forgive you.” These are self-effacing virtues, which are often lost in a culture as individualistic and self-ambitious as ours. To speak with our children in this way and to model these virtues for them is not to mold weakness but to cultivate people of deep inner strength that make for better people and a better world.

As you know, report cards will be sent out April 9, the Friday after spring break. Wednesday and Thursday of the following week, April 14-15, virtual parent-teacher conferences will be scheduled to give you a chance to consult with your children’s teachers about their progress this school year.

Please note that Terra Nova tests are scheduled for April 27-29. This annual standardized test helps us to see how our students are doing academically in comparison with children all over the country. They also provide you with an understanding of your child’s academic development year-by-year. Due to standards imposed by Terra Nova, students must take the tests at the school. We will be in touch with you about this process.

New Race for Education instructions will be sent out after the spring break to accommodate those parents who wish to participate online rather than through the traditional mailers we send out. The latter will still be an option for those who have sent in their labels.

Finally, don’t forget to re-register your own child for the next school year! You will receive a 50% reduction in the registration fee if you do so by April 15.

May God bless you and keep you safe and healthy!

“And God saw everything that was made, and behold, it was very good.”

Genesis 1:31


May Newsletter


Enjoying the Great Outdoors