June Newsletter

As we approach the end of this very unusual school year, we wish to thank all of you for your consistent support. As parents and teachers, we have a joint responsibility to raise and educate our children, helping them grow to become loving and responsible adults, no matter what the world throws at us. We especially appreciate your support and understanding as all of us have had to scramble to keep students engaged in their studies despite the COVID-19 outbreak.

Our Virtue-of-the-Month for June is Heroism. This is especially appropriate given the challenges we have all had to face these past several weeks and no doubt will continue to face. From the front line health care workers in hospitals and senior living facilities to our very own teachers and you yourselves as parents, we have all had to rise to the challenge of helping others while keeping our own lives going and our families safe and healthy in the face of many obstacles.

Because of these trying circumstances, we will not be able to have our usual end-of-the-year celebrations. However, our teachers will be reaching out to you to arrange a time to come to the school one last time as a class before the summer to reconnect, receive report cards, school yearbooks and awards, and even have a little fun.

As the governor is allowing summer day camps to open starting July 6, we DO plan to have an on-site summer program from July 6-August 7 while taking precautions to follow CDC and NJ Department of Health guidelines regarding social distancing and keeping our facility well-disinfected. At the same time, starting June 22 through August 7 we will also offer virtual one-on-one tutoring as well as online classes in music, art, dance, yoga, and martial arts, depending on interest. Revised documents for both on-site and virtual programs will be sent out in the next few days.

Finally, if you have not yet done so, please be sure to turn in your child’s registration form for next year as soon as possible to reserve his or her place. What the next school year will look like is still unclear at this point. We have been doing a lot of research to determine what would be the best possible design for our students both to insure their health and safety as well as to develop our educational program to be as stimulating as possible both on-site and online. In July you will receive more details as to our plans in the summer mailout.

In the meantime, have a safe and happy summer!


“Above all, don’t fear difficult moments. The best comes from them.”

Rita Levi-Montalcini

Neurobiologist & Nobel Prize winner


COVID-19 Policies and Procedures


May Newsletter