April Newsletter

Normally at this time of year we are all heralding the rebirth that comes through spring as trees begin to bud and flowers bloom. Even amidst the present outbreak of coronavirus, we can be grateful for the life-sustaining environment nature provides for us. Although parks and nature preserves in some areas may be closed, we hope that you and your child(ren) are finding ways to spend time together in healthy and productive ways.

Indeed, as the current crisis has upended our lives in countless different ways, it also presents us with opportunities to connect with one another and with those with whom we may have fallen out of touch over the years. In my case, I recently received an email from an old college roommate whom I had not talked to in decades. Now we are planning a conference call next week with other mutual friends from our college days. In addition, my wife and I took advantage of the wonderful weather this past weekend to go to Bear Mountain and South Jersey to take in the countryside. We saw many other couples, young families, and senior citizens out as well spending time together. Slowing down our lives has given us a chance to value family and friends in ways we may usually not take time to do.

Even as our building remains closed at the present time, as you know, our teachers continue to engage their students in their various academic subjects as much as possible—in some cases conducting classes online and/or sending home work assignments for them to complete. You should have received your child’s report card for the 3rd marking period by now. Going forward, on an optional basis we will be offering music, art, Spanish, and martial arts classes online starting the week after spring break. Details on this will be forthcoming soon.

In addition, we plan to have a virtual Open House on Saturday, April 25, at 11:00 am for prospective parents for the 2020-21 school year. I plan to give an overview of the school in PowerPoint after which participants will have a chance to talk with some parents of our current students. The link for this will be posted soon.

By the way, don’t forget to re-register your own child for the next school year! You will receive a 50% reduction in the registration fee if you do so by April 30

Due to the unpredictable nature of our school schedule, the following events are on hold: parent-teacher conferences, Race for Education, and Terra Nova testing.

May God bless you and keep you safe and healthy!

Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness.



May Newsletter


March Newsletter