October Newsletter

Our school year got off to a great start with about 75% of our students onsite and 25% attending virtually. I wish to thank all of you for your support during this challenging time as we seek to provide your children with the best possible educational experience despite the ongoing COVID-19 reality.

In the past two weeks we have been working with Marco Technologies to get our new audio-visual enhancement system up and running for those students who have been at home. There are still a few bugs to work out, but it seems that things are improving step-by-step. Thank you for your patience.

I also wish to thank everyone who attended our first ever Virtual Back-to-School Night. It seems that most of our families were represented. We look forward to a good collaborative relationship with you throughout this year. We invite you to be part of New Hope’s Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) which will have its first meeting of the school year on Wednesday, Oct. 14, 7:00-87:00 pm. In addition, we hope that you will find time to volunteer to help us in some of our school’s activities which we will strive to have within the limits imposed by the pandemic.

For example, in October we plan to kick off our first service project of the year—a clothing drive. Please bring in old (but in good condition) shirts, pants, hats, gloves, coats, blankets, shoes, sweaters, sweatshirts, etc., and drop them off in a box that will be in the hallway starting Monday, Oct. 5. The clothing will be given to St. Peter’s Haven for distribution to needy families.

October’s Virtue of the Month is Perseverance. This is the virtue that calls us to push ourselves, especially in the face of adversity—and through such efforts ultimately free ourselves to realize our full potential. Please note that we will announce our Students of the Month for October this Friday.

Friday, Oct. 9, will be Picture Day when individual, class, and whole school photos will be taken of the students. Be sure your child is dressed extra nice that day.

Although this year we will not be having a schoolwide Harvest Festival, children are still welcome to come in Halloween costumes Friday, Oct. 30 (but not too scary!).

Let’s have a great autumn together!

“The greatest oak was once a little nut who held its ground.”



November Newsletter


September Newsletter with COVID Updates